Our News
GCSE Results 2024
For a fantastic year group that has achieved so much over the past two years, we are delighted to share in their continued success and celebrate a strong set of GCSE results.
A Level Results 2024
Congratulations to all of our Upper Sixth who received their A level results today.
Third Form Scholars' Enterprise Challenge 2024
The Annual Third Form Scholars’ Enterprise Challenge was as competitive as ever this year as 22 Scholars, split into four teams, battled it out to become the most profitable team of 2024.
Success at the Latin Reading Competition
Earlier this term, eight pupils represented Dauntsey’s at the annual Salisbury Classical Association Latin Reading Competition.
Fifth Form celebrate end of mock examinations
The Fifth Form breathed a collective sigh of relief last week, as their GCSE mock examinations came to an end.
Dauntsey's chemists compete in 'Top of the Bench' competition
Congratulations to our team of talented chemists who took part in the Royal Society of Chemistry 'Top of the Bench' South of England heat at Portsmouth Grammar School this week.
Upper Sixth pupils explore careers in finance and law
Earlier this term, Sixth Form pupils interested in careers in law and/or finance were treated to an informative and inspiring trip to London with the Careers Department.
GCSE Results 2023
Congratulations to all of our Fifth Form pupils on a superb set of GCSE results!
A Level Results 2023
Our 138 Upper Sixth Formers have achieved very good A-level results with almost three quarters of the grades awarded at A* - B and impressive performances throughout the year group.
Lower Sixth focusing on their future
The Lower Sixth were focusing their minds on their future last week, with an intensive Post Dauntsey’s Planning Day and the ever-popular Speed Networking event.