Our News
Jolie Brise Secures 18th Victory in ASTO Small Tall Ships Race
Earlier this term, twelve Lower Sixth students proudly continued a long-standing school tradition, taking part in the annual ASTO Small Tall Ships Race on board Jolie Brise.
Second Form Midwinter Expedition
This weekend, over 60 Second Form pupils laced up their hiking boots, had waterproofs on standby and embarked on their Midwinter Expedition – two days of hiking through the Wiltshire countryside, staying overnight at a local Scout centre
An introduction to adventure for the First Form
Just ten days into joining Dauntsey’s our First Form pupils were taken off site for a night as part of their ‘Introduction to Adventure’.
DSPA Travel Scholarship Winners 2024
After a fascinating evening listening to Sixth Form presentations, the DSPA have awarded next year's Travel Scholarship of £1500 to two deserving adventurers: Georgie and Inés.
Third Formers enjoy a week of challenge at Moonrakers Camp
Third Formers have had a trip of a lifetime in Wales this past week as the culmination of their Moonrakers programme.
Second Form Challenge Week
The new term has got off to an adventurous start with the Second Form Challenge Week.
Trek to the Stones success!
Congratulations to our 73 Fourth Formers who completed their ‘Trek to the Stones’ adventure last weekend.
Moonrakers Take the Plunge!
In a new addition to the Moonrakers programme, our Third Formers have been in the pool for their first sub aqua try-dive.
Tom Cunliffe comes to Dauntsey’s with tales of the high seas
It was a great pleasure to welcome yachting journalist, author and broadcaster, Tom Cunliffe, as our Sailing Club Dinner guest speaker.
Celebrating DW success!
Congratulations to our twenty Devizes to Westminster paddlers who completed the 108 mile course over three days this past weekend.