Our News
Dauntsey’s dancers impress at the Spring Dance Showcase
Good Schools Guide recently commented that the Dauntsey’s Dance Programme ‘is streets ahead of rival schools’, emphasising that dance is something that all pupils engage with right from day one.
Introducing the Boys' Contemporary Dance Company
This year marked the formation of a Boys’ Contemporary Dance Company at Dauntsey’s and at the end of the Spring Term the Company took to the stage for their first performance, Delirium.
Dauntsey’s Pupils Perform for MIND
We were treated to an evening of fantastic music last week in the second of our ‘Live at the Pav’ concerts.
Dauntsey's named as one of UK's top schools for dance!
We are delighted to share that Talk Education has named Dauntsey's as one of the best schools for dance in the UK.
Tech Crew visit London
Last weekend, a number our Tech Crew visited London to experience theatre life first-hand.
‘Jekyll & Hyde’ comes to Dauntsey’s
Last week the Memorial Hall was transformed into Victorian London as a cast of 15, supported by an assistant director and seven technicians, all from the Fifth and Sixth Forms, staged a daring new production of ‘Jekyll & Hyde’.
Gilliat Singing Competition 2022
Congratulations go to Sixth Former Rhys, who won the 2022 Gilliat Singing Competition, adjudicated by the amazing soprano, Emma Brain-Gabbott.
Lower School Dance Show 2022
Lower School pupils wowed audiences this week at the Lower School Dance Show, as they performed a number of different dance styles with incredible energy and enthusiasm.
LAMDA Success
Congratulations to our 21 pupils who took their LAMDA Exams earlier this term and all achieved a Distinction. The dedication and commitment with which they approached their exams certainly paid off.
Legally Blonde The Musical, a triumph!
The hottest ticket in town last week was for our fabulous Christmas production of Legally Blonde, The Musical, which hit the Memorial Hall for four electrifying performances.