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Sixth Form Scholarships

For Sixth Form students, the school offers a number of scholarships and awards.

With the exception of Boarding Awards, Sixth Form scholarships and awards are available for both day and boarding places. All awards and scholarships carry a maximum fee remission of 10%. 

Details about our Academic Scholarship Programme and Oxbridge Pathway can be found here

For current Dauntsey's pupils wishing to transfer from day to boarding, please contact Helen Sullivan, Head of Admissions. 

All successful candidates for awards will be expected to meet the Sixth Form entry requirement of a minimum of three grade 7 and three grade 6 for I/GCSE. 

Key dates for September 2025 entry

The closing date for applications to be returned to the Admissions Office is Friday 18 October 2024.

Supporting documentation is required to be submitted no later than Monday 4 November 2024.

Academic Scholarship candidates will sit papers on Saturday 9 November with interviews taking place w/c 18 November 2024.

Boarding, Sports and Performing Arts Award assessments and interviews will take place w/c 11 November 2024.

If you have any queries regarding the assessment process please contact Jen Parker in the Admissions Office.

16+ Scholarship and Award Application Form


Child's namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in D/M/YYYY format
Please confirm which scholarship your child wishes to apply for:required
Parent contact detailsrequired
First Name
Last Name
Consent for medical treatment if requiredrequired

Please complete the relevant section below:


Candidates interested in applying for an academic scholarship should be predicted attainment grades of 9s and 8s at GCSE. 

The assessment requires candidates to sit two scholarship papers (out of a choice of four), depending on their A Level interests.  They will also have an interview. 

Scholarship papers in English, Maths and Science are designed to test subject knowledge as well as aptitude in these disciplines.

The Humanities paper is not specific to any one discipline and neither is particular subject knowledge required. This paper tests critical thinking; students are asked a series of short-answer questions on a stimulus material (an image or passage, for example), plus a follow-up question that invites an extended piece of evaluative writing. Valuable preparation would include scrutinising academic articles, books, news stories, and formulating arguments.  

Please select the two papers the candidate wishes to sit from the four listed.Please select up to 2 choices
Please select up to 2 choices

Boarding Award

Candidates need to demonstrate both academic competence and an ability to make a significant contribution to the life of the school, particularly the boarding community.

Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
This can be emailed to at a later date if preferred.


A reminder that applicants should currently be competing at a high level (minimum County standard) in at least one of our major sports, listed below. 

Please select the sport(s) in which the candidate wishes to be assessed.
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
This can be emailed to at a later date if preferred.

Performing Arts

For Drama and/or Dance, applicants will have acted in at least one major role in a production and/or have trained under a recognised dance organisation and, preferably, they will be highly accomplished in at least two genres of dance, e.g. tap dance and ballet.  For Drama, candidates will be asked to perform two contrasting monologues at their audition; they will also have an interview with the Director of Drama. For Dance, candidates should perform two contrasting dances which they have choreographed themselves and they will also have an interview with the Head of Dance.        

Applicants applying for a Music Award must be able to perform on an instrument or voice to Grade 7 standard or above and will be asked to perform two contrasting pieces, if auditioning on one instrument or two pieces on two instruments.  There will also be sight-reading, scales, aural testing and an interview with the Director of Music.

Please select the discipline in which the candidate wishes to be assessed:
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
This can be emailed to at a later date if preferred.