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Our Food

Thoughts from the kitchen

Our primary focus is ensuring that there is an abundance of choice for all pupils, catering for different likes and dislikes, dietary requirements and appetite sizes, whilst ensuring that the food on offer is setting pupils up for success each day, giving them both food to feed the brain and food to keep them fuelled out on the pitch.  

We strive to educate pupils on a variety of foods and give then an introduction to new flavours where possible, whilst making environmentally responsible decisions such as sourcing our food locally, where and when possible, and developing seasonal menus.   Our menus are continually adapting to ensure good variety and pupils are encouraged to feed into the Food Committee who report back on a termly basis with suggestions or changes that they would like to see.  

Above all, as a team we are there to support the pupils.  Many members of the catering staff have worked at Dauntsey's for a number of years and see some pupils multiple times each day, creating a family like atmosphere for pupils and staff alike. 

Jamie Dent, Chef Manager

Fun Facts


Meals served to pupils each term


Eggs per month served at meal times or made into delicious cakes and puddings


Litres of milk per month poured onto breakfast cereals, made into custards or drunk by the glass


Different hot meals available each lunch accompanied by salads, cold cheese and meats, sandwiches, fresh fruit and puddings

Salmon Supreme

Salmon, asparagus and new potatoes with a hollandaise sauce

Salmon Supreme served with asparagus, Jersey Royals and Hollandaise sauce - Serves 6

Sample Menus