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Performing Arts News

Boys on stage with red lights behind them

This year marked the formation of a Boys’ Contemporary Dance Company at Dauntsey’s and at the end of the Spring Term the Company took to the stage for their first performance, Delirium.

Tech Crew visit London

Last weekend, a number our Tech Crew visited London to experience theatre life first-hand. 

‘Jekyll & Hyde’ comes to Dauntsey’s

Last week the Memorial Hall was transformed into Victorian London as a cast of 15, supported by an assistant director and seven technicians, all from the Fifth and Sixth Forms, staged a daring new production of ‘Jekyll & Hyde’. 

Gilliat Singing Competition 2022

Congratulations go to Sixth Former Rhys, who won the 2022 Gilliat Singing Competition, adjudicated by the amazing soprano, Emma Brain-Gabbott. 

Lower School Dance Show 2022

Lower School pupils wowed audiences this week at the Lower School Dance Show, as they performed a number of different dance styles with incredible energy and enthusiasm.

LAMDA Success

Congratulations to our 21 pupils who took their LAMDA Exams earlier this term and all achieved a Distinction.  The dedication and commitment with which they approached their exams certainly paid off.