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A warm welcome from the Dauntsey’s School Parents' Association!

The Dauntsey’s School Parents Association, known as The DSPA is a charity foundation, set up to enhance our children’s school experience; to enable pupils to benefit from the wider resources of the Dauntsey’s family; and to fund extraordinary activities and items outside of the school’s normal remit by raising revenue from school and social events.

We raise funds through social functions in and around the school, and through a one-off £25 lifetime donation to the DSPA. This fee is per pupil and not per family.

Your children benefit from all the profit, which is generated from your kind support. For this we thank you.

The DSPA is not just about making money, but about giving something back to the parents. We are all aware that as parents we make many sacrifices to enable our children to attend Dauntsey’s, so the DSPA is working to organize more and more social events that will bring parents together. We aim to serve quality wine and food from our bars to help make the attendance at school productions as close to a theatre experience as possible. The fun of watching our children perform and meeting new friends over a glass of wine surely has to be one of life’s great pleasures.

We would like to encourage you to be part of the DSPA, either by becoming part of the committee or assisting at the different functions. New ideas are always welcome. Any form of help no matter how small would be greatly welcome.

This year our challenge is to grow the DSPA profile and have fun. We look forward to meeting you in and around the school.

With warm regards,

Gemma Simmonds

Funding of Activities & Projects

The DSPA fund or co-fund a variety of activities and items that fall outside the scope of the school’s normal remit. The general criteria for funding is that the service or item to be purchased should be enriching and developmental for pupils. Inevitably, some requests for funding rather stretch the imagination in this respect, but we strive to be fair, consistent, and properly accountable for the funds we have raised from parents at the various events.

Pupils and members of the academic and house staff are invited to submit funding applications to the DSPA annually.  The DSPA Travel Scholarship is open to Sixth Form Pupils who are invited to submit applications for travel sponsorships to the DSPA on an annual basis. All the money granted is through the generous support of all parents and extended families of Dauntsey's.